How For Loop works in Svelte?

When we are developing web applications, we need to iterate over items often. Iterations in Svelte are no exception.

Like {#if} iterations in HTML begins with {#each} and ends with {/each}.
The expression that follows {#each} can be any JavaScript expression.
Optionally {:else} can be used before {/each}. Content after {:else} is rendered when the array is empty.

Let's say we have an array of fruits, ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Oranges']. The following example outputs each fruit on a separate line.

    let fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Oranges']

{#each fruits as fruit}
    <div style="color: red">{fruit} </div> <br/>

  p {
		text-align: center;
		padding: 1em;
		max-width: 240px;
		margin: 0 auto;

On the webpage it will look like this.

Object Iteration

Object iteration is another way of iterating a JavaScript objects (key and value pair). And it is very common to iterate an object in the applications.

// Object under the <script> tag
    let person = {
        full_name: 'Michael Foo',
        country: 'UK',
        age: 50,
        occupation: 'Work somewhere'
 // Under the HTML tag
 <h1>...Iterating an object...</h1>


{#each Object.entries(person) as [key, value]}
        <span style="color: blue">{key} </span> : {JSON.stringify(value)}

On the webpage it will look like the below screenshot

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