How to implement Drag in Svelte?

Ashutosh Kukreti

In this article, we learn how to implement Drag in Svelte. Before starting, you need to create a project in Svelte using the npx command.

npx degit sveltejs/template Drag

You need to install npx if you haven't. Drag is the name of our Project.

npx degit sveltejs/template Drag
yarn install

Default yarn dev will run on 8080 port. We need to change it to 5000. We can handle the port from package.json and modify the script tag.

    "scripts": {
    	"build": "rollup -c",
    	"dev": "rollup -c -w",
    	"start": "sirv public --no-clear -p 5000"

Run yarn dev and the application points to 5000 port.

Create a new component, Drag.svelte under the src folder. And add the following content

    export let left = 20
    export let top = 20

    let dragging ;

    function start() {
        dragging = true

    function stop() {
        dragging = false

    function moveComponent( event ) {
        if ( dragging ) {
            left = left + event.movementX;
            top = top + event.movementY;


<svelte:window on:mouseup="{stop}" on:mousemove="{moveComponent}"></svelte:window>

<div style="margin-left: {left}px; margin-top: {top}px;" on:mousedown="{start}" class="drag">
    <h1 style="margin: 20 20 20 20; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; user-select: none">
        Drag Component

    .drag {
        position: absolute;
        border: 2px black solid;
        cursor: move;

Open the App.svelte and replace the content with the following:

    import Drag from "./Drag.svelte";

    <Drag />

	main {
		text-align: center;
		padding: 1em;
		max-width: 240px;
		margin: 0 auto;

	@media (min-width: 640px) {
		main {
			max-width: none;

And thats all for now.

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