Dancer2-Setup-Project-Installation Members Public

Dancer2 is a light-weight web framework in Perl. Dancer2 is simple but extremely powerful to develop complex web applications. It opts for a handful of modules to start developing web projects.

Ashutosh Kukreti

MNIST Dataset Analysis (Part-1) Members Public

MNIST database, alternatively known as the Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology database. It is the collection of large Images dataset (70K Images) commonly used for testing of Machine Learning Classification algorithms.

Ashutosh Kukreti
Machine Learning

What is KNN Algorithm? Members Public

What is KNN Algorithm? Equally known as K-Nearest Neighbour, is one of the most common algorithms in Machine Learning and is broadly used in regression and classification problems.

Ashutosh Kukreti

Pandas in a Nutshell (Part-1) Members Public

Welcome to another tutorial of Python. In this blog we learn about What is Pandas Installation of Pandas What is DataFrame? How to make DataFrames? Operations and Manipulations on DataFrame?

Ashutosh Kukreti
Machine Learning

Why Perl does not have good IDE's? Members Public

In today's world, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an integral part of programming.

Ashutosh Kukreti